Indications for osteopathic treatment 

Unfortunately, for legal reasons, the enumeration of diagnoses is not possible at this time. Under the following link you will be connected with the German Society of Osteopathic Medicine (DGOM) e.V., which may enumerate areas of application.

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Because of the high protection of the health of the individual and our claim to the accuracy and clarity of the statements made here, I point out that in the naming of the exemplary listed areas of application can of course no healing promises or the guarantee of relief or improvement of listed disease states. The areas of application are based on knowledge and experience in the therapy direction presented here (osteopathy) itself.
Only in some areas there is a relevant number of secured scientific findings, i.e. evidence-based studies that prove the effect or therapeutic effect. We consider the respective individual case, where sometimes osteopathic treatment may not be indicated, even with the listed examples of use.

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